Policy Initiation and Review Requests

New catalog and/or institutional policies and revisions to existing policies can be initiated by using the Policy Review Request Form. Upon submission, the form will be directed to the appropriate person and flow through the shared governance and administrative review workflows as noted in Section 3.8 of the University Handbook. Shared governance bodies and administrative review groups will have the opportunity to review new and revised policies with substantive changes.  The groups can submit feedback on the policies which will be shared with the Provost and/or President. Once approved the new or revised policy will be published in the Policy Portal, Undergraduate or Graduate Catalog, and/or University Handbook. 

Annual Policy Updates / Reviews

The KSU Policy on Policies requires that all institutional policies undergo a review and update process annually.  KSU has a pre-established schedule, the individuals/units responsibile for each institutional policy undergo a review of their policies.  Based on the results of those reviews each policy falls into one of three pathways for approval:

  • Approval Pathway
    PPC Review
    Shared Governance / Admin Review Groups
    President & Provost
  • No Revisions Needed
    Notification Only
    Notification Only
  • Editorial Revisions (title changes, grammatical edits, no substantive changes to the policy)
    Discussion to ensure edits are editorial only.
    Notification Only
  • Substantive Updates
    Full Review
    Full Review
    Feedback & Signature
